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Multisport Grade Two Certificate – Taupō


Minimum numbers are required to run the course – if we don’t reach minimum numbers we will contact you to arrange alternative dates. For course dates please browse our booking options:

SKU: SK Multisport Grade Two Certificate - Taupo Category:

Grade 2 Training and Assessment Package

Four days Training AND Assessment

New Zealand’s most comprehensive Grade 2 certificate package designed to build your kayaking skills in a safe and progressive manner, with the goal of developing you into a safe and self-sufficient paddler capable and certified to race in events such the Kathmandu’s COAST TO COAST Multisport competition. Starting with the basics of kayak knowledge, progressing through white water techniques and finishing up with river running, this course will cover all the areas and skills that you need to know for multisport racing. This course includes all training and assessment, and you will be awarded a Coast-to-Coast Grade 2 certificate.

DAY 1 & 2 (Weekend 1):  Taupo/Waikato River: The first weekend is an introduction to kayaking and white water. We start with confidence routines and wet exits in the pool and then progress to the Waikato River for an introduction to white water kayaking and river hydrology. White water boats are provided on day one, however, we recommend having your own longboat for day two.

We focus on

  • Equipment selection, care, and transport
  • Emergency rescues & self-rescues
  • Fundamental kayak strokes and techniques
  • Water confidence and white-water swimming
  • Introduction to river reading and hazard identification and management

Day 3 & 4 (Weekend 2: Mohaka River: We leave the white-water kayaks behind and begin to use multisport/sea kayaks in preparation for the race.  We spend every day on the river, encouraging you to push your boundaries, increase your knowledge and develop your kayaking skills on white water. Peer and self-rescues are taught and practiced to a high level so you can be assured that you can look after yourself and your friends while kayaking. We cover all the skills and techniques you need to keep you heading down the river upright and in the right direction. On the final day of your course, it’s all about fine-tuning your river running skills and prepping you for your Grade 2 Certificate Assessment later in the day. It is recommended to have your own kayak and all equipment so that you can practice using it for your assessment, however, we will provide all equipment if needed except kayaks, we expect participants to bring the craft they will be using for the race. If you require kayak hire please contact us as the kayak style you use for assessment will be the one you have to use on race day.

We focus on:

  • Building on kayak strokes and techniques
  • More advanced river reading and hazard identification and management
  • Self and peer rescues on white water
  • Paddling grade 2 rapids and choosing race lines
  • Continuing to build confidence
  • Fine-tuning ALL skills ready for assessment in your own craft
  • Assessment (Final day)

What is included?

  • Free use of our white-water kayaks and kayaking equipment, (sea kayaks are hired separately)
  • 4 full days of personalised, professional multisport kayak coaching, based on the Waikato and Mohaka Rivers.
  • Various handouts and background reading about all aspects of kayaking to prepare you for the course.
  • A digital copy of your Grade 2 Certificate once achieved.
  • Exclusive access to practice days on the Mohaka River to further prepare for Race Day.
  • Professional advice before, during and after completion of the course.

Why choose us? Coast to Coast Approved Course Provider: We have been training aspiring Coast to Coast Athletes since 2002 and are experts in guiding clients from beginners through to competent, confident and self-sufficient Grade 2 Kayakers. Whether you come as a complete beginner or have had experience in a kayak we will cater to your needs.

Safety focused:  We are Outdoors Mark Safety Certified so you can be guaranteed that our safety policies and practices have been scrutinised to the highest level so your safety will always be our first priority. Our guides are fully trained and carry the most up to date safety equipment.

Location: The course is based in Taupo, on the Waikato for the first two days and then on the Mohaka for the last two days.  These are the best rivers in the North Island to learn to kayak and train on and provide you with the perfect environment to practice your new skills

Who can join the course? No experience is necessary, we just require a desire to learn, the ability to swim, to be in good health and fitness and be between the ages of 13 to 70. You will learn new skills and knowledge to safely start you in a sport which provides years of enjoyment, fitness, personal challenge and a connection with nature.

Can I join the course for less than four days? Yes, of course, but we highly recommend participating in the entire 4-day course due to the overwhelming feedback from previous clients that 4 days is needed to firmly cement your newfound skills on the water.  This also allows for much needed ‘on-water time’ to increase your skills, knowledge, and confidence, so that come race day, you will know that you are ready to compete and make the most of the race. The assessment will take place on the final day and will require you to show your knowledge and skills to a good standard, all the assessment criteria will be covered in the four-day course and must be completed in the craft you will be using for the race. If you feel you are competent and only want to participate on a certain weekend you will have to contact the shop for a discussion and have logged experience so we know your ability. This is both for your own safety and so we can provide you with a course that suits your needs.

What's included? All kayaking equipment, white-water kayaks (multisport boats not included but can be hired) and tuition by qualified, experienced and knowledgeable instructors. Class sizes are limited to 4 participants per instructor so maximum learning and safety goals can be achieved. Contact us for daily rates.

Accommodation and food? Accommodation and food are not included in the course costs, but we are happy to help organise this if requested. Courses run periodically throughout the year so contact us for more information or to enquire about upcoming courses.

Course Schedule for 2025


Weekend 1 Weekend 2 Block Course
Feb 22,23 March 8,9
April 5,6 April 12,13
May 10,11 May 24,25
June 7,8 June 14,15
Aug 22,23 Sept 13,14
Oct 4,5 Oct 18,19
Oct 30-Nov 2
Nov 15,16 Nov 29,30
Dec 11-14
When booking – choose when you’d like to start, and we’ll contact you to confirm other dates.

Please note:

Minimum numbers are required to run the course – if we don’t reach minimum numbers, we will contact you to arrange alternative dates.

Please note we can also run customised trips, tours and courses on demand. Please contact us directly on 07 378 1003.

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outdoors Mark
OutdoorsMark is a national outdoor safety audit programme designed by the New Zealand outdoors community for the New Zealand outdoors community.